Recently some reality show producer made a remark that people who spend time in front of computer have no life.The producer is a baldy who's famous for scaring the shit out of young kids by putting them in a room and abusing them.I guess that is a great thing to do, as he has turned into this self reclaimed youth icon.God save the youth of this country.I guess you would have guessed who is he?Well he's Raghu(Yeah! Raghu i named you.Sue me _|_).He does'nt have a clue what he is talking about.The site that he uses to publish his content and videos is designed by some geek, the TV that he uses to telecast his TRP hunting show runs on algorithms designed by us.
These CS greats are responding to your comment in their own way.
Now,lets remind people what is computer science doing for them.We are there in your microwave,in your television,in the smart grids that supply electricity to your home.You go to the general store we are there at the cashier's system.We have enabled you to communicate with your friends and family,given you email,chat.Remember the days when you had to write a letter and wait for snail mail to arrive.We are there at the reservation counter,we are at your bank.We have designed the software that runs industries, that drives satellites.We have developed robots that assist old people in Japan,we have designed system that checks your answer sheets in your exam.We have designed all your favourite sites that you use whole day and the tablets, computers, ipads ,ipods and what not.So,next time you meet a computer engineer show some Respect.Signing off\m/.
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