Every now and then when we are trying to upgrade our system we come across the question do i have enough RAM or should i increase the ram? Today I will try and help you find the answer o this question.We all know that RAM is the part which our computer uses as its physical memory.Many believe that one gigabyte of RAM is enough for virtually any non-professional application scenario. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Have you ever launched a recent gaming title with lots of resource-hungry applications already launched? Everything might seem fine as Windows relocates the applications' memory data to the swap file on your hard drive. However, as soon as you hit a Windows key accidentally, the OS will hectically try to exchange the gaming data in the main memory by the application data that was swapped before. 32 bit system For a 32 bit there is always a physical limit of 4gb because we run out of address space.But the 4 gb limit is also theoretical the actual limit is equal t...
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